Ping Melody (2003) is an Internet—based musical performance, using the mechanism of the programming command ping, which consists in that a series of data packages sent to the specified network location is returned to the sender. On the basis of the delay, number of lost or damaged packages, and other similar information, one can effectively diagnose the state of the tested network connections. More ↓↑
In his performance, Janicki uses a reconstructed version of the ping command and sound samples digitized in real time as the data packages. The music played live unplugged is sent to the selected location on the Internet. Janicki often uses military or pornographic servers. The audio excerpts return partially damaged by errors and stream delay, and after playing become a sonic image of the temporary connection in the global communications network, and the musician begins to improvise with himself. The performance is accompanied by the visualization of the data packages sent and returned to different network location. The artist emphasizes that he does not use the Internet as a tool, but a forum for follow—up. In 2004, the performance, performed each time with the accompaniment of another instrumentalist, was awarded main prize by the Machida City Museum of Graphic Art in Tokyo.
Co—performed with: Jakub Kruk, cello
Place and date of recording: 11th Media Art Biennale WRO 05, National Museum in Wroclaw, May 2005